We know that there are some very unique challenges in the industry and we are happy to solve them for you

Apps & Applikationer

Giver et bedre overblik over og til dem der er ude i marken, og integrerer mobile medarbejdere direkte i forretningens workflow.

  • Bedre dokumentation – ingen diskussion
  • Nemmere og hurtigere administration
  • Tids- og fejlbesparende integrationer
  • Gladere kunder
  • Driftsbeparelser


Tracking og styring af køretøjer, udstyr, sensorer og data giver et bedre beslutningsgrundlag baseret på her og nu og historiske data.

  • Større driftsoverblik og -tryghed
  • Mindre stress giver bedre resultater
  • Bedre Produktion
  • Bedre kundedialog styrker relationen
  • Driftsbeparelser

System kodning

Arbejdsprocesser gør ofte brug af flere systemer på en gang. Vi får systemerne til at tale sammen således at de i arbejdsprocessen fremstår som ét.

  • Tids- og fejlbesparende integrationer
  • Bedre kundedialog styrker relationen
  • Smartere processer – glædere medarbejdere
  • Driftsbeparelser

No small print

All the services we offer can be started when it suits you best.
Subscriptions generally have a minimum period of 3 months.
Certain services where regulatory data is managed may have a longer minimum period.
Unless otherwise agreed upon.

My best advice is: talk to one of our experts to evaluate exactly what problem you are looking to solve.

Many of our solutions are complex and have the ability to be adapted to your needs. Therefore, solutions and thus the prices can vary. We prefer to agree on solutions together with you, to ensure your optimal price.

Yes we have applied GDPR requirements and we have adapted our systems and processes accordingly. We have always protected our customers’ data, even if this was at our expense. It is a central obligation towards our customers which we take verry seriously. We have a strong GDPR setup that ensures optimal compliance with the rules.

First of all, we would like to hear more about the challenges your company faces. Based on this, we will find the best solution for you. Solutions can be built using our existing solutions, custom solutions, or a new uniquely built solution to meet your special challenges.


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