Avoid driving time fines, hassle and meet legal requirements with automatic collection, storage and reporting

Easy now – we know our stuff!

Automatic collection, storage and reporting are the keys to automating your driving time administration. Since 2007 across Europe, 10,000 users can not be mistaken.
We automatically ensure that you have maximum control over your driving time data, so the risk of fines and other hassle is minimal.

Your sleep is important – for us too.

We help you with a professional solution to automate as much of the administrative TACHO process as possible to ensure that you and your company meet legal requirements, while also automating as many processes as possible so that you only act when the system says so.

We can completely eradicate the need to upload data though special locations, so avoiding extra driving time and kilometers and hassle, at really competitive prices.

We have been collecting data since 2007 and would love to help you too.
10,000 European users can’t go wrong.


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