Road Tolls, Burden or Revenue Source?

Road Tolls: We Are Ready with Easy Automated Management!

Have you decided whether road tolls should be a burden or a revenue source?
The environment is important, and road tolls may be a sensible tool. We believe that if the handling of road tolls is structured and consistent, they do not have to be a burden but can instead become an extra source of income.
In line with our “Get Leaner, Go Greener” focus, we ensure a better bottom line with greener solutions. Therefore, we believe that the ability to automatically calculate road tolls on each order is a really good solution.

Automate to Minimize Administration Time

Although it is still unclear which roads on the Danish road network will be toll roads, we believe that a simple and straightforward approach is the best solution.

A transport management (TMS) platform that automatically calculates the exact road toll for each transport order is preferable. A simple calculation with a flexible factor, which you as a haulier can adjust to cover your expenses or generate extra income.

Paid toll divided by the number of kilometers driven gives a global price per kilometer that covers the tolls. Additionally, one should consider whether the extra administrative burden (although minimal) should be included in the per-kilometer toll price.

Handled in this way, the calculation of tolls can even contribute to the company’s profit.

Road Toll Calculator: An Important Part of Your TMS Solution

On the platform, this important service does not cost extra, just like the CO2 calculation function is also included. Regardless of which transport management (TMS) solution you choose, you should automate as much manual work as possible to minimize administration time, thereby reducing uncertainty and wasted time.

Logistical Challenges and Route Planning

Can road tolls create logistical challenges?
This could be a concern, especially when it comes to route planning. Hauliers must consider toll roads and find the most cost-effective routes without compromising delivery speed and efficiency.

Mishandling of road tolls can potentially threaten the survival of a haulage business. If the desire to avoid tolls results in choosing a longer route, the environment suffers, which is not desirable in the current state of the planet.

To ensure the profitability of the haulage business, take nature into account, and avoid complicated systems, we recommend that logistics and route planning be optimized consistently for kilometers, time, and CO2.
This is possible if the collection of road tolls is secured.

Avoid complex technical solutions, choose manageable simplicity

The solution you choose to ensure the collection of road tolls from your customers is crucial. We have seen that companies that do not manage these types of expenses properly can suffer significant profit losses and risk bankruptcy.

To support haulage businesses and the environment, we have chosen a simple, understandable, and reasonable solution model that ensures the collection of road tolls from customers. A simple solution is always preferable for understanding, adjustment options, and operational reliability. Therefore, we are convinced that our structure is sensible, responsible, understandable, flexible, and secure in relation to the collection of road tolls.


Get leaner, go greener!
From Expense to Income



Low cost automation

Low cost automation is about implementing simple and cost-effective technological solutions that streamline work processes without breaking the budget. Even small businesses can benefit from automation, improve productivity, and reduce errors while keeping costs down by using SaaS solutions.


Optimized Processes

Optimized processes are key to maximizing efficiency and productivity in any business. For example, automating repetitive tasks, streamlining communication channels, and improving resource utilization. The result is a more agile and cost-effective operation that not only increases competitiveness but also creates a better workplace with fewer errors and higher employee satisfaction.


Get leaner, go greener!

Solutionweb’s goal is to motivate and support businesses in their efforts to reduce their environmental footprint while optimizing their operations. We believe it is possible to achieve economic growth while also caring for the planet, and we are dedicated to supporting companies on this important journey toward a more sustainable future.

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