The Drivers App

The Drivers App gives you more…

… overview, happy employees and less administration. We offer many years of “app experience”. In our current apps we have worked in all our experience and wishes from our customers since 1997 – the time when apps were solely based on text. Today, driver apps has become more accessible and important to your business.

Good reasons to use a Drivers App

Digitalize your mobile employees to include them in your digital workprocess. This results in quite a few benefits that, in the end, makes a better business.

  • fast ROI
  • cut down your CO2 footprint
  • save time
  • save paper
  • minimize phone calls
  • save unnecessary extra writing
  • minimize errors
  • maximize quality of data
  • better competitiveness
  • happier customers
  • happier employees
  • share data with other systems
  • hardware independent

What does the app offer?

We support your business with a variety of different Driver App solutions and compositions. In the screenshot to the left, you can see just some of those functions. Navigation interacts with the device’s preferred navigation program. Sharing of documents both from office to App-user and vice versa. Digital signature, also called “sign on glass”, scanning of bar- and QR-code, RTI accounting for pallets, cages, IBCs, all types of deposited cargo carriers.

The Driver App is also included in an advanced order track & trace system, which secures automatic ETA communication and documentation.

An important feature is timeregistrering. Drivers can register when their workday begins and when they take breaks, just by clicking a button. Thereby paper reports which again has to be dealt with and often given reminders for, can be avoided. I this instance, data can be further used in salary systems.

Operationally there is an option to register time of loading and driven kilometers.

“Time registration, task management, documentation collected in an easy-to-use app, has a big impact on your bottom line and your CO2 footprint!”


Good investment med fast ROI

The Driver App is a good investment and the digitalization can quickly earn back the investment. Removal of paper is not the only environmental bonus – smarter routing also helps minimize driver expenses and optimize earnings.

The easy built-in time registration secures a reliable registering of work time og time used on single orders. Salary and calculation of prices is hereby supported.


The best task solution every time

Insight into the drivers work and especially to be able to see how far he/she is in todays program right not, makes it possible for the office to constantly evaluate if anything needs to be adjusted, redistributed, if recipients needs to be informed etc.

Information from the driver app gives the organizational part of the company an opportunity to assess whether ad hoc tasks can be incorporated.


Easier for the driver

Experience shows that a driver app makes the employees life easier. The correct use of the app (which is not so difficult!) secures that confusing and unmanageable paperwork can be removed and minimized.

Documents can be digitalized, codes can be scanned, photos secure documentation of delivery, and much more.

Reporting a task digitally also has a big impact on the speed of invoicing after a finished task.

Many processes within business uses mobile employees

Often digitalization means that these mobile employees is a win for the business process because of optimization and cuts on spending, and for the employees themselves in the form of a better work environment.

Our apps can be connected with your ERP system, so that the mobile part of the job can run itself and only needs the data that is needed for the mobile employee to do their work.

After mobile handling of orders, data, or whatever you wish to mobilize, the data that has been handled is send back to your ERP system or another relevant system.

The moving of data, through paper or excel files, is therefore no longer necessary, which has the benefit of saving time and minimizing risk of error.

Interested in a non-binding meeting?

We would like to talk to you about which (standard) solutions we can help you with. We offer many years of experience and insights in do’s and dont’s.

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